Sunday, October 10, 2010


What do you do to stay motivated?  Even the biggest "gym die hard" hits the proverbial wall at some point.  Do you have equipment at home or can or will you exercise outside?  What about the "I just don't feel like working out today" work out blues?   What do you do when your schedule becomes too much and you just can't find or make the time to work out?  Or what do you do when you've caught that ever so inconvenient and uncommon "common cold".  What do you do when can't and shouldn't work out due to unforseen circcumstances?  One or many of these situations will come to pass if you're reaching for and working for any substantial weight loss goals.  These situations do occur and everyone must face these exercise diffiuclties even the die hard gyn rats at some point!

My best and only advice is to not let "it" take over! Your "it" may be different from mine and "it" can change from one day to the next.   When one or many of the situations occur in your life don't succumb to "it" completely.  Realize that a couple or even a few days of not hitting the gym will not derail you unless you let "it" happen over and over again.  Illness, work or exhaustion happens but getting back on track quickly will keep the situation from getting out of hand.

I have plenty of "situations" that can pop up in my exercise schedule that can block me from reaching my workout goals many weeks.  My best intentions to work out 5 times a week are usually just that, intentions!  I currently have a few sniffles and I had a very hectic work schedule this past week. I didn't make it to the gym as usual. The coming week will also be fairly full as well.  So, I've decided I need to relax, do a little something each day if I can't mak my usual gym schedule.  So here are some commonly used techniques I use to help curb total gym melt down.  Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park farther away from your destination. Walk or exercise during lunch, if only for 10-15 minutes.  Try working out first thing in the morning as opposed to to later in the day when many times the "day" takes control of your schedule.  These ideas are good ideas on any day but are especially useful when your normal work out just isn't in the cards during those " bad" days.

Have "gym buddies".  Knowing someone is depending on you and holding you accountable will really make the difference when you're having that inner discussion on whether or not you really have time  or the will to go to the gym.  Attend classes.   Having a "scheduled class" on your calendar can be a form of accountablility.   Last but certainly not least,  the "clothes motivator" can be the trick for some who may have allowed too much time to pass since hitting the gym or exercising as they should.  This is a ploy I have used in the past and it can be a tough call since it takes personal and fiscal "investment'.  Buy a really GREAT outfit or item that you really love!  Use that outfit or pants or dress or whatever as a motivator to loss the weight.  The new size of clothes or being able to wear that item will be your motivator for heading to the gym and succeeding though the tough days.

Don't forget "tough days" occur for everyone!  The key is to be prepared for when those days do occur. Don't stress over a day or two but don't lose ground by letting your inner "work out blues' take over completely.  Stay motivated...its worth planning for!