Saturday, August 7, 2010

OK! So now I have a blog. Now what?

OK.  I now have a blog.  I've been thinking a lot about starting this blog.  I've been thinking about what I'd write and why anyone  (if anyone) would ever read my thoughts or be interested in my thoughts.   I've thought about how I would keep you interested... or if you'd ever be interested..?  I've thought about what my overall topic would be and how it would relate to my life,  which in turn would mean, how would it relate to your life?  Whoever you are...?  Where ever you are...??

What I've decided to do is to write from the heart.  I'll be open and honest, which will most likely mean I'll be embarrassing myself.  I'll "lay it all out" for you to read and to scrutinize.  Please be kind... or at least not brutal   I'm not a professional writer or even a good writer so you'll probably want to edit my posts.  However,  I do hope you can over look the grammar mistakes and focus only the "intent" of my postings since you really can't edit MY blog.

My topic will revolve around exercise and how exercise impacts our lives, culture and economics.  I'll rant about things I hate!  I'll praise the things I love!  All of which may have nothing to do with exercise.  But I will TRY and keep the topic on exercise if at all possible...? (except if its about animals, dogs in particular, or crazy politics! I'm near Washington DC after all!)

Let's get started!  I'm a 47 year old woman who wants and attempts to exercise, eat healthy, and be an all around decent person. I fail at about all of these things daily!  So, this blog is my earnest attempt to stay healthy and perhaps help others realize that "together is better than alone" when trying to be healthy.

I will write about ALL of my missteps and I"ll warn you in advance, there will be many!   I will do this in hopes you can relate... to my successes (I hope you have more success than me and never have mistakes!) as well as my mistakes.   I hope you will  learn from me.  I hope to learn from you. I will write about my exercise "plan" or lack there of as well as as my daily challenges.  I'll blog about how these daily challenges can change the course of a seemingly good exercise "plan".  I'll blog about my diet and what is working and what isn't.  I'll post pics of my current "exercise craze" which is spinning.  I'll interview instructors, gym managers, athletes (probably not!) heads of State (not going to happen!) and anyone else I think will help you in your exercise craze journey.

 I'll blog about exercise/fitness "events" and how they can motivate all of us.  How exercise "stars" or fitness celebrities can make us all want to be bigger better athletes. (Think Jillian Michaels!)  You know, how does Jordon stay in shape now that he's a little older??  Maybe I'll interview him...? (Ha BIG lie! Never going to happen!)  But if he ever contacts me and wants to give me his "exercise plan or his current exercise craze"  I promise I'll share!  (Again...never gonna happen!)  I'll  blog about current events and how they influence our health.  I'll blog about what's going on with National Health Care. I"ll blog about  my diet and how I just "fell off the diet wagon" when I have too many Char-donn-ays!  (THAT is NOT a big lie!  That will happen a LOT!)

So, this in my introduction to you.  This is my "plan" for my blog.  Please let me know what's happening with you. Hearing your successes will help me "stay the course".  I hope and desire for you is for you to be an "exercise crazie" like me. For those of you who don't know what that is:   DEFINITION OF :  an exercise crazie:  "one who reads the blog exercise craze and goes to the website  Is a middle aged woman or man who tries to eat healthy, exercise and "do the right thing" who unfortunately often doesn't!  Who has a busy life with all of life's up and downs and interruptions but enjoys the journey nonetheless...!  That's the definition of an exercise crazie!  Which also  basically outlines my "blog plan"!  Stay tuned and let's all "walk the walk".... or run the run  or spin the spin.... OK I'm done now.ha

Now, who are you?

Will post again soon!