Everyone has heard of New Years Resolutions. Everyone has made New Years Resolutions. People make resolutions every year or even during the year. People make resolutions to NOT make resolutions. But resolutions are important. There is a moment, regardless of what day it is, when a decision is made by everyone...someone...you... concerning their...your health. But people don't make discoveries about their health. Or do they? Is "discovery" a place, a thing or an idea? Health can be a place. A place where we all go to in our minds and our in lives where and when we choose to make health a resolution and discovery.
Sometimes it a place we go kicking and screaming. (which is good, we need the exercise!) Perhaps its a place our doctor scared us into going. Sometimes its a place we found in the mirror. Sometimes its a place we only visit. We stay there only long enough to lose 5 or 10 pounds but then we move back to the place where a good diet and adequate exercise doesn't exist. We replace the 5 or 10 with another 10 to15 by not remaining in the place we found refuge; precious self worth.
Its never about pounds, its about treasuring ourselves and finding ourselves worthy. Health is a treasure and it should be treated as such. Treasures by definition are priceless, precious and highly valued. Treasures are cherished and we normally give treasured items a place of priority, of importance We don't take things we cherish for granted! Treasures shouldn't be taken for granted! Treasures need attention and so does your health! Heath should be valued and it needs the attention and time it deserves. The MAP to your TREASURE starts NOW...or at least February 1! Remember health is the treasure no one can take away from you unless YOU let life steal it. But you can keep the treasure AND share the wealth! So, lets treasure map hunting...together!
I'll be posting links (maps) to websites that help me get to where I want to go and would love for you to go with me! I've just added a "mapped" link to "Everyday Health" a web calorie counter/exercise journal and healthy living ideas website. Check it out if you need a calorie journal to help with your weight loss. I know I do! Remember its fairly simple, calories in calories out! Keeping an exercise journal (map)/food journal (map) really does help. It allows you to track yourself so you know EXACTLY where you are in the "calorie treasure hunt!"
So, let's start a treasure hunt movement...literary. Let's work together and set the date: February 1st as our Treasure Hunt Day! You might even call it your "map of discovery" which is YOUR day! Its a time to cherish your treasure, your good health because health can't be brought. You can reclaim it once its gone. Ask anyone who's been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Treasure your health...its priceless!