Sunday, August 29, 2010

I took one for the team...

"Honey, where's the ibuprofen?  Aooow!  My legs.  My back.  My NECK hurts!  I can't get out of bed!"

Yesterday I tried a new exercise class. Yes, you'd think after Zumba I'd stop doing that sort of thing, but I did!  I have a friend who swears by TOTAL BODY.  She informed me that since she has added the class to her normal workout routine that she has seen a huge difference in her body. Basically, she has added a couple of hour long Total Body classes per week to her fitness routine.  I am a witness to it's wonders!  Her arms are amazing! And I'm fairly sure she must have sculpted other body parts as well!

I certainly thought that I could and would be able to handle a Total Body class.  I'd lifted weights with a trainer earlier in the summer so this couldn't be much different, right?  And of course, if a class could do for me what it has done for my friend, why not?  I mean, I'd love to have a set of upper arms like hers!

So, I tried the Total Body class  at Washington Sports Club on Saturday.  Layla was the substitute instructor for the class since the normally scheduled gal was on vacation.  Without the regular instructor, the "regulars" didn't attend which made for a very small class especially for a Saturday. A small class as it turned out was GREAT for me!  The attention Layla was able to give the class of only 5 was nothing less than individualized one on one attention.  It was greatly appreciated since I've suddenly become the one in the class that really doesn't follow form, or more accurately, can't! I've never been that person before.  I mean when did I start NOT being able to complete each and every exercise during a class?  During Total Body every major muscle group is worked.  The idea is to work a targeted muscle until fatigued, thus building the muscle as well as muscle building endurance.   No, I couldn't do all 900 set ups! (It felt like 900!)  But I tried!  Yes, the squats were killer but I did them...or most of them.  Actually, I couldn't complete all of the repetitions during Total Body...but I will!  I did however, do many of the reps which is why I'm now dealing with Total Body soreness!

The class was really good and I can see how it can help "shape" or "sculpt" your body.  I think Total Boday can help me scuplt my body too.... once I can get over the soreness and can get back to the gym and attempt another class! I think I'm a "convert" and will incorporate it into MY exercise program too!  Thanks KC for telling me about Total Body and its body shaping benefits!  I'll give you a call as soon as I can get out of this chair and perhaps we can get together again to dicuss MY great delts!  Thanks Layla for being so accommodating and NOT making me feel like an old fogey!