1) Wake up 45 minutes early (or 30 or 60) and work out EARLY so your exercise routine doesn't get put on the "back burner" during the Turkey Season! (I'm now getting up 45 minutes earlier every day. I'm staying on the "old" time schedule, hence I didn't "FALL forward"!) I don't feel deprived of sleep! In fact, I'm sleeping more soundly and getting to bed earlier. "Early to bed early to rise. Makes a man(woman) HEATHLY, wealthy and wise!
2)Leave yourself "electronic reminders". You can use your Blackberry or IPhone to "remind" yourself to "eat healthy" or "just say no to candy" . I have a daily reminder that shows up mid morning which is the time of day I'm most at "risk" for making poor eating choices. The reminder states "eat healthy today". It just helps me to make it through the tough mid morning munchies!
3) Add an "additional" workout sometime during the week so if you skip one later in the week you won't feel so guilty! Or, if you over indulge at the Turkey Table you'll not want to "give up". I usually take Wednesdays off from my workout schedule. This week I'm going to work out AND I'm doing something NEW! This way not only am I working new muscles I'm trying a new exercise that I may just love! Or like today, I worked out in the morning in "addition" to the Spin class I normally do!
4)Start a "calorie journal" or restart if you're stopped. It helps to keep track of the calories you're eating this time of year! You're less likely to overeat if you know exactly where you stand calorie wise!
5)Hang the "Christmas party dress" in a prominent place in your closet. Use the dress as a motivational weight goal. It can also serve as a reminder for not overeating during the holidays or it can be motivation to lose/maintain weight!